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International Traveler? Check out GOES!
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
By Barbara Farrell, Cruising Enthusiast

If you travel internationally a lot, you might be interested in the Global Entry program (GOES):


It takes about 45 minutes online. You will need the following:

 U.S. Passport
 Drivers license
 Number on birth certificate
 Names of countries you have visited in the last 5 years
 A credit card for a non-refundable fee of $100.00.

The pass is good for five (5) years!

After I applied, it took about 2 weeks to hear from the Global Online Enrollment System and I needed to schedule an interview online. I chose San Ysidro at the Mexican/USA border, which is about an hour from me.

There was an hour wait and the interview took 8 minutes. I took the above papers, home insurance as well as mortgage papers and insurance papers – they only wanted my passport and drivers license, but I was prepared.

I will hear from them in two weeks. I'll need to put something in the computer, then it will be quick through customs!